Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Crafty Tuesday!

Got a lot done so far today! These two new hair ornaments are up for sale on my etsy: http://www.etsy.com/shop/melissakaycarl

I also began the process of re-vamping an old pair of shoes. I liked the style of the pumps, but the material (a shiny brown patent leather) was HIDEOUS. I first sanded the surface, then primed them with gesso. The painting begins tonight! I have a feeling they will be adorable.

In my downtime waiting for the layers of gesso and white paint to dry on the shoes, I doodled.

For dinner tonight I'm trying a new recipe for Orange Mango Chicken. I ran out of apples for the salsa, so this sounds like a great way to use my mangoes!

I feel I have accomplished a lot, and it's only one o'clock in the afternoon! I need to clean up now and head out to run some errands and pick Erik up at work... I'd like to stop by Hello Bluebird this afternoon to see how my hair clips are selling and possibly buy a little something for myself while I'm there... That store is just too cute!

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