Monday, December 7, 2009

Still busy, so brief.

I spent most of yesterday baking, and the results were delicious!


Yuki the ninja snow dog!

I finished the night with a successful attempt at dying some of my silk flowers for the next line of my hair ornaments. Ballerina inspired!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Busy Bee.

I have continued to be completely busy. All the time.
But we did accomplish this photo shoot, which I'm hoping works
for the fall line of hair ornaments.

I'm no model, but they are cute. B-love worked his magic with the tobacco and green filters on C.A.'s Nikon. They look great.

I have 14 hair ornaments to take to Hello Bluebird which I WILL accomplish TOMORROW (there, it's in writing. You have to do it!)

I have a few more, in addition to the 3 for sale at my Etsy shop

I plan to get a lot more made in the next week. I need to work on them so much more than I have been able to lately. But hopefully things will pick up this spring... I plan to have a HUGE line for spring! Afterall, I have all winter to work on it. The theme is vintage ballerina. Neutrals with pastel pinks and blues. They're so cute!