Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Just Wednesday.

I made six new fancy holiday hair ornaments today! Each one has a brown and red flower, brown button center, peacock feather and green, red, and white spotted feathers in it. So they are pretty amazingly cute for Christmas! I'll put one on my Etsy and see what happens, but I definitely need to get the word out.

Speaking of amazingly cute, here's what I bought at Hello Bluebird yesterday:

Prettiest necklace ever.

Florida scarf... Interesting... But adorable. The buttons are breakfast!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Crafty Tuesday!

Got a lot done so far today! These two new hair ornaments are up for sale on my etsy:

I also began the process of re-vamping an old pair of shoes. I liked the style of the pumps, but the material (a shiny brown patent leather) was HIDEOUS. I first sanded the surface, then primed them with gesso. The painting begins tonight! I have a feeling they will be adorable.

In my downtime waiting for the layers of gesso and white paint to dry on the shoes, I doodled.

For dinner tonight I'm trying a new recipe for Orange Mango Chicken. I ran out of apples for the salsa, so this sounds like a great way to use my mangoes!

I feel I have accomplished a lot, and it's only one o'clock in the afternoon! I need to clean up now and head out to run some errands and pick Erik up at work... I'd like to stop by Hello Bluebird this afternoon to see how my hair clips are selling and possibly buy a little something for myself while I'm there... That store is just too cute!

Monday, November 23, 2009

ETSY SHOP- now open!!!

wedding photos

A girl should always feel like a princess on her wedding day... And I did!

My wedding dress was everything it ought to be: beautiful, regal, fancy, and COMFORTABLE (for the most part!) The only problem? The corset that went under it!

Sunday, November 22, 2009


I'll try to keep this first post short. Aesthetics have always been very important to me. Not just beauty, "looks," or fashion as a singular interest, but collectively; aesthetics as a whole have always appealed to me. I started mostly in drawing and photography, and I attended an art college after highschool. An art school is a great place for a troubled youth to quickly become even more troubled. The temptations proved too much for me, and I lost my way in life. I made it through the first year only to drop out, move around and waste a lot of my youth on experiences and adventures that got me into a decent amount of trouble at a young age. My youth was fun, but it was a huge set back.

Now, a reformed party girl and newly married woman, I have finally picked up all the pieces of my previously broken life and I'm ready to focus on myself once again. I'm coming off a year of positive experiences and huge life changes, and it seems like a great time to start writing. I have a constant cycle of ongoing projects, and this will be the place to document them and keep myself on track. This blog should end up a strange cross-breed of a fashion and beauty blog with an art and craft blog. I plan to post musings on art, fashion, crafting, cooking, home decorating, and whatever else I am working on or thinking about at the time!

Some photos of me taken with my Holga camera on my cross-country drive from California to Pennsylvania in spring 2009.

I'm currently working on my next collection for my line of hair accessories. They're feather and floral hair ornaments, and they're beautiful. I'm still working on the Etsy shop for it... Should be up soon. Here are a few examples from past collections:

Other projects I'll be posting soon include my guide to diy spa treatments, a photo tour of my home and some interior design projects, and a recipe for apple mango salsa that I'm waiting to make. My mangos aren't ripe yet!

Not that anyone reads this yet... But it should get pretty good, so do keep that in mind!